– It All Starts Here


Raffaele Favilli


More than 30 years experience in GIS technologies and software development

- Software engineering (Agile, Continuous Integration), software development (GoLang, VueJs, Python, Java EE, Vb.NetVba, JavaScript), RDBMS (PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server, SQLite etc.), NoSQL platforms (MongoDB).
- Information systems and geographical database design (QGis, Oracle Spatial, ESRI ArcGis, Intergraph Geomedia, , SpatiaLite, OpenLayers, GeoServer, PostGIS) in particular for Agriculture & Rural Development, Public Utilities (Water, Sewage, Gas), Cadastre and Land Registry, Transport systems, Sustainable Development, Census.
- GEOBIA technologies (Machine Learning & AI for geographic applications), Datawarehousing, Business Intelligence, Big Data, Data Quality Control.
- Well experienced in Web applications and Web Services & REST Services design and development for ordinary and geographic applications in Open Source and .NET environment; OGC map server standards: WMS, WFS, SLD; GML and XSD definition.
- Proven experience in IT education and training.
- Strong international experience; Peru, Turkey, Haiti, Senegal, Chad, Nigeria, Albania, Bulgaria, Macedonia.

Raffaele Favilli

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Posted 2024-11-25 under Information Technology