– It All Starts Here


Nathan Korinek

Boulder, CO, USA

University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO
Master of Arts Student in Geography
GPA: 3.96
Coursework: Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Uncrewed Aerial Systems, Forest Ecology
May 2024

University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO
May 2019
Bachelor of Arts in Geography, Certificate for Geographic Information Systems and Computational Science
GPA: 3.76
Coursework: Earth Data Science, Earth and Climate Systems, Computer Science, Geospatial Statistics, Geographic
Information Systems


Earth Lab, University of Colorado Boulder Boulder, CO
Aug 2022 – Present
Graduate Research Assistant
■ Work collaboratively to perform geospatial analysis on large ecological and climactic datasets in Python and R
■ Help create and analyze a dataset of forest disturbances in the western US from 2000-2020
■ Develop, write, and teach lessons on earth data science and machine learning in Python
■ Efficiently combine geospatial data from multiple sources
■ Responsible for visualizing geospatial data to convey findings, including creating figures that are published in
scientific papers and conference posters
■ Collect high quality and spatially located aerial imagery from Uncrewed Aerial Systems (UAS) using GCPs and an
RTK system

Earth Lab, University of Colorado Boulder Boulder, CO
Jan 2019 – Aug 2022
Data Scientist Software Developer
■ Added content and maintained, an open education website for earth data science and analysis
with over 100,000 monthly visitors
■ Developed and maintained production quality Python packages for earth analytics and Jupyter notebook grading.
The packages have 72,000 and 16,000 conda-forge downloads, respectively
■ Developed and maintained smaller packages
■ Developed tests and wrote documentation for packages
■ Created earth data science lessons that were used to teach an earth data science certificate program and related
■ Worked with tribal and community colleges to develop Earth Data Science Corps, a program for under served
communities that has ran since 2020

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Lakewood, CO
Jul 2018 – Feb 2020
National Hydrography Dataset Software Tester
■ Tested software in ArcGIS products related to maintaining and updating the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD)
■ Approved edits to the NHD, and reviewing code used for tools in the NHD
■ Analyzed spatial data and automated edits using python, created scripts to automatically test software


Machine Learning for glacier identification
Dec 2023
■ Developed a semantic segmentation neural network that used pre-trained MobileNetV2 and pix2pix to identify
glaciers within Chile with 93% test accuracy

UAS data collection to quantify post-fire vegetation recovery
Jun 2023
■ Helped plan UAS flights with a DJI Matrice 300 RTK and a Micasense Dual Camera System alongside a DJI Mavic
3 Pro to collect multi-spectral imagery and structure from motion over burn scars in Colorado
■ Piloted the UASs and was a visual observer during flights
■ Conducted field work after UAS missions to identify vegetation in the imagery

Machine Learning to predict vegetation recovery post-fire
■ Performed data curation and synthesis to created a dataset of fires’ vegetation recovery in Colorado
■ Helped develop a Multi-Task LSTM to predict vegetation recovery trajectories Dec 2022

Code Development for open source packages
■ Worked collaboratively to add the .clip() function to GeoPandas Sep 2019


Cyberinfrastructure deployments on public research clouds enable accessible
Environmental Data Science education ● Jul 2023

abc-classroom: Tools to automate github classroom and autograding workflows Feb 2022

Intermediate Earth Data Science Textbook
Open Education Textbook ● Oct 2021

EarthPy: A Python package that makes it easier to explore and plot raster
and vector data using open source Python tools. ● Nov 2019


2023 American Geophysical Union Poster Presentation
Dec 2023
■ Intersecting fire, insect, and drought disturbance and the fate of western US forests in a changing climate

2023 Forest Resiliency Data Synthesis Working Group
Feb 2023
■ Created lessons for and held sessions related to using GEDI data, ECOSTRESS data, NEON Hyperspectral Data,
and K-means clustering

Earth Data Science Corps (EDSC)
Jul 2020, Jul 2021, Jul 2022
■ Helped create curriculum and teach lessons on earth data science in Python for a 1 month long summer program
■ Worked with tribal and community colleges to reach underserved communities in STEM
■ Discussed potential projects for teams, talked about feasability and how to execute ideas. Aided in producing 13
geospatial projects over three years
■ Met 1 on 1 with students to trouble shoot issues and go over difficult concepts


Programming Languages: Python, R, Google Earth Engine

Machine Learning Algorithms: Artificial Neural Networks, Convolutional Neural Networks, Long Short-Term
Memory Networks, Random Forest, K Nearest Neighbor

Software: Git, GitHub, Linux, Cloud Computing, Metashape, ArcGIS Suite, ENVI

Geospatial Data Processing: GeoPandas, Rioxarray, Xarray, Dask, Rasterio, Tensorflow, Keras, Scikit-learn, Terra,
Cloud Computing, Parallelization, Data Visualization, Data Synthesis, APIs, UAS Data Collection, UAS Piloting,
Open Source, Open Science

Dataset Familiarity: Landsat, Sentinel 2, MODIS, ERA5, SRTM, NLCD, GEDI, ECOSTRESS, EPA Ecoregions,
LandFire, MTBS, UAS Data, NEON Hyperspectral, USGS NHD/WBD, NAIP

Nathan Korinek

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Posted 2024-04-14 under Programming